Men don’t often verbalise these things, but they are darn sure clear about them in their mind. The qualities they are looking for in their wife to be.
No, men are not just looking for a wife that is pleasing to the eyes. Obviously, that is something that plays a part. Some people might say that the qualities men look for in a wife are purely personal and depend upon the individual man.
However, there are some qualities that are almost universally desired in a wife by men across cultures.
These are the 7 Qualities Men Look for in a Wife
1. Respect
All men want to be loved, but every man needs the respect of his significant other. A key component for a man to lead his wife effectively is to have her respect. Give a man respect and you’ll get anything you want from him. That might seem like the golden ticket to some women, and it kind of is. But what about when a man is enabled to be all he is supposed to be because his wife gives him the fuel to do so. Yes, that’s what the respect of a wife does for a man.
Ephisians 5:33 says Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Notice how the scripture says that wives should see that they love respect their husband. Why is this important? So many marriages breakdown or do not reach the heights that they could do because men are not respected by their significant other. They are loved and cared for but the main ingredient, respect, is missing.
Women must learn this major key to unlocking The Secret of a Successful Marriage.
2. Homemaker
Women with a career are generally viewed as independent individuals, able to stand on their own two feet. But the fact is, a man values a woman that is able to keep the home in order.
This doesn’t mean slaving in the kitchen or scrubbing floors on your hands and knees, but it does mean your home is in order when it comes to the kitchen and the cleaning.
There should be an understanding that the duties around the home are shared, but a man that is serious wants to know that a potential wife is capable around the home or is willing to learn.
Men look for homemaker qualities in women because the natural desire to please and the ability to create a comfortable and beautiful home life shows your femininity, which men do not have (to the same degree as women).
3. Adventurous
I don’t know the number of women who’ve climbed mount Everest, and maybe you’ll be one of them. Whilst that’s super impressive, most men are not looking for huge feats in the area of adventure. Are you open to trying new foods, doing a sport/activity you’ve never tried before? There are many things that qualify you as being adventurous, but the point is, once you’re married, you’re going to be able to keep your marriage fresh and exciting by being open to trying new things.
This is a quality that helps in many other areas too. Are you open to trying new investments? Perhaps there’s an opportunity for a home relocate? Maybe your intimate time could do with some more adventure?
If you’re open to trying something new, there’s an adventure to be had and a memory to be made.
4. Sexuality
Sexuality is an important quality which men look for in their potential wife. Women with a strong sex drive will be able to satisfy their husbands’ needs and ensure that they do not seek satisfaction from other women.
When it comes to sex, men are pretty simple creatures. They want a woman who is attractive to them, and who is willing to be sexual with them.
Although most men see sex as a great source of pleasure, they’re also very conscious that it can be used to create life which is the most precious gift in the world. For this reason, men seeking a wife want to know that a potential wife is willing to bear them children.
5. Supportive
Everyone likes to be supported in their decisions, endeavours and other choices. However, a married man that leads his household effectively will value the supportiveness of a wife that much more.
When it’s time to make that tough decision, a husband needs to know that, come what may, he has the support of his wife. Mistakes can be made and if you plan on marrying a hu-man the likelihood of a mistake or miscalculation is likely.
A man wants to partner with a supportive and loyal woman, especially as he looks forward and considers marriage and even children.
6. Proactive
A man leads his household, that is true. However, men love proactive women. They love a woman who knows what she wants and goes out and gets it. They admire a woman with ambition and drive. A woman who takes charge of her life and sets goals for herself is a turn on for any man.
A proactive woman knows what is important in her life and can prioritise the things that matter. This is a quality that men value because women are often called to various duties e.g. career/business, wife, parent, and having this quality shows that you are equipped for said duties.
So, if you want to attract a husband, be proactive. Show him that you are a woman who is in control of her life and knows what she wants. Let him see that you are a go-getter, an able manager, and he will be drawn to you like a magnet.
7. Faith
A woman of faith is not solely led by her feelings and this virtue let’s a man know that he can rely on her wholeheartedly. A woman of faith values the importance of her union and her family not because it makes her happy, but because of the importance of her role in the sight of God.
When a woman is committed to her faith in Jesus, the right man will know that that commitment will translate into a committed wife. A wife that will not only submit to him, but one who will lead as she is called, lift him up when needed and be praying for him always.
Sense of Humour
Humour is highly prized by men as it gives them some relief from their often-stressful work lives. For this reason, women with a good sense of humour who can laugh at themselves will be viewed as very attractive.
Health and Fitness
A woman’s health and fitness shows that she takes good care of herself and can take care of others in turn. This, together with her natural beauty, makes men view such women as sexual and hold them in a higher esteem. Men value such women as they want to be assured that their wives will be able to bear them healthy children.
In closing
None of this is one way, it applies to men too, but these are things that you, as a woman, can work on to make sure your husband has a well-rounded version of you to begin with. You’ll certainly become the best version of yourself with your husband, otherwise, what was the point marrying him (I think I’ve just got the title for another blog post).
Stay positive and continue working on yourself, your husband is seeking you. Keep on developing the qualities in this article within you and you’ll increase your value and exclusivity as a wife to be.
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