Welcome to Ty The Knot, the blog that helps single (un-tied) people prepare themselves for their future spouse and thus becoming married (tied-up).
My name is Tyrone Goulbourne (pronounced goal-born), and I am the husband of Christina Goulbourne. Christina and I have been happily married since 2014 and we are parents to 4 beautiful, energetic and loving daughters.
I decided to start this blog because for my entire life I have been surrounded by single people who could never seem to find their match or couples who were once happy then got divorced and everything in between. The last couple of years has really got me thinking about single people who are looking for a spouse and the happiness that marriage brings as well as the marriages I see that are stale, toxic and ending.
Like most people I am shocked when I meet another happily married couple these days and, you might think it is selfish, I want to meet more happily married couples so I/we can share our joys without feeling guilty.
At Ty The Knot I will be sharing my insights on being single, seeking a spouse and being married from a biblical perspective. I am aware that my writings will not appeal to everyone, but they are for someone. I pray that someone is blessed.